A hands-free gesture device

Forget about Kinect that limits gestures to a fixed location (i.e., your living room), Myo is a muscle-gesture wristband that is a completely hands-free gesture input devices. This product looks a lot like the muscle-gesture computing that came out of Microsoft Research a few years back. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool.

"In the future we’re all going to be robot-human hybrids with the help of wearable computers. We’ve already seen Google Glass, the search giant’s augmented-reality glasses, and now the latest Y Combinator startup to come out of stealth, Thalmic Labs, is giving us a wrist cuff that will one day control computers, smartphones, gaming consoles, and remote-control devices with simple hand gestures.

Unlike voice-detecting Google Glass, and the camera-powered Kinect and Leap Motion controller, Thalmic Labs is going to the source of your hand and finger gestures – your forearm muscles. “In looking at wearable computers, we realized there are problems with input for augmented-reality devices,” says Thalmic Labs co-founder Stephen Lake. “You can use voice, but no one wants to be sitting on the subway talking to themselves, and cameras can’t follow wherever you go.” Continue reading on Wired.

Image from Myo.