Funding a computational dress project

Kickstarter, a crowdfunding service, has been opening up doors for designers and artists to help fund their projects. One of the latest projects includes Mary Huang's computational couture called Continuum, which has already attracted 70 backers. Continuum is a user-generated fashion collection that is the "application of interactive technologies for bespoke design. In short, an app lets you draw a dress, turns it into a 3D model, and exports a cutting pattern to make the real dress, sized to your measurements." The result gives it a gorgeous, geometric aesthetic.

Go to Kickstarter and help her fund her project!

Continue reading on Kickstarter. Image source.

Personal, mobile, kinetic power generation


Designer Mary Huang in collaboration with Jennifer Kay has created this beautiful, yet somewhat impractical wearable technology piece that explores ideas of personal, mobile power generation and kinetics titled Dandelion. I can't imagine wearing this around town, but the implementation is quite evocative. It definitely sparks conversation around the possibilities of our movement and environmental outputs generating personal and mobile power.

"Dandelion is a wearable that captures energy from wind and human movement. It is a structure of miniature windmills that embraces the wearer. It is fashion that creates an interface between nature, technology, and people." Continue reading on

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