Video dress aimed to hit the market

Future-thinking fashion designer Hussein Chalayan and Swarovski have created a dress that is covered in leds. It's one of the few attempts I've seen at creating an illuminating garment that is actually quite beautiful. The dress is made of two layers, the under layer is covered with a matrix of leds and the outer layer is used to diffuse the light making it seem soft and blended together.

The dress is also not just another conceptual exploration. The designers will be making it available in Japanese markets from fall and winter seasons in this year. (source)

Read additional postings on Chalayan.

Shape-shifting garments by Hussein Chalayan

Hussein Chalayan, one of my all-time favorite fashion designers, is constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be technologically integrated into his garments. His 2007 "A Hundred and Eleven" show in Paris ended with an incredible shape-shifting performance. Each garment told a story by starting with one era and morphing into another. Not only were the garments incredibly feminine and beautiful on the outside, Chalayan was able to seamlessly integrate the technology without compromising on aesthetics. Watch the end of this video for a demonstration: